1.9 litres $12.00 (5 ½ beer)
Growler Jug $6.00 (one-time purchase)
Rudder’s Canned Beer
$4.60 per 473 ml can
Party Kegs
20 litres (50 beers)
50 litres (125 beers)
Complete with dispensing pump
Plus HST( $150 Refundable Deposit required for kegs)
To order in advance call 742-7311 |E-mail:
Our ten-barrel gravity flow brewery is unique in that it is the only full-service restaurant and brewery in South West Nova Scotia.
We pride ourselves in brewing full-bodied craft beer, using fresh malted barley, hops, spring water and top quality fermenting yeast. Our beer is served unfiltered, naturally carbonated and contain no adjuncts or preservatives.
Our high quality ales are served unfiltered, naturally carbonated and contain no adjuncts or preservatives.
A blonde ale derived from a blend of Canadian 2 row barley wheat and Munich malt. A light but mellow malty character giving way to the aromatic flavour of cascade hops on the finish. Great with food or on its own is what makes this beer our most popular.
A complex red velvety smooth ale designed with 4 specialty malts and 2 varieties of hops. A superb pub ale that compliments food and is a local favourite.
An English Style brown ale with a rich chocolate-like profile accentuated by hints of hop flavour and aroma. A must try if you are an aficionado of brown ales.
A Golden Wheat beer with a hint of raspberry. A light refreshing drinking beer. A nice change from coolers or spritzers.
Bright Side of Life IPA | Strange Path IPA
Ask what beer we have on tap today!
96 Water Street
Yarmouth, NS B5A 4P9
PO Box 304
Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4B3